During a broadcast aired on Sunday from his base in Israel, Kanu mourned his dog and “a few other people” in his compound, who lost their lives when troops of Operation Python Dance invaded his residence in September 2017. However, the group said Kanu was an “insensitive and callous leader that has no value for his own followers but rather his dog, Jack whom he paid tributes to after his long disappearance from the struggle”. , one of the leaders of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), says Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the group, has been sacked. According to Mbakwe, the sack was as a result of the Sunday broadcast credited to Kanu, which he said was a clear indication that Kanu prefers his dog, Jack, to those murdered in the struggle for the realisation of Biafra. During a broadcast aired on Sunday from his base in Israel, Kanu mourned his dog and “a few other people” in his compound, who lost their lives when troops of Operation Python Dance invaded his residence in Sep...